Home insurance companies in most states use your credit score to determine how much of a risk you pose. Your credit score may be used to predict whether you will file claims or whether you will pay your bills on time. In general, the lower your credit score, the higher your insurance premium. But don't be concerned. Carriers do not have access to your credit score. To protect your privacy, that number is converted into a credit-based insurance score.
Even if you have bad credit, there are still home insurance options for you. Understanding how and why your credit affects your home insurance policy may enable you to make more informed decisions about your coverage. StrongInsurance investigated the best home insurance companies for people with poor credit. Our investigation may be able to assist you in locating a carrier that is suitable for your needs.
Insurance companies are in the risk business, which means that everyone is evaluated based on the potential amount of risk they pose to the carrier. Credit scores have long been used as one indicator of how risky a homeowner is. Your credit score, in particular, may be used to determine how likely you are to:
In some states, credit is not used as a rating factor. The following states prohibit the use of credit when rating home insurance policies, which means that your credit score cannot influence how much you pay for homeowners insurance:
In general, the higher your credit score, the lower your insurance premium. Your homeowners insurance premiums are determined by a variety of factors, including your age, ZIP code, home's age, deductible amount, local crime history, and claims history.
Your credit score — or credit-based insurance score — may also be taken into account, and while it is not the only factor, it can be significant. According to our research, policyholders with poor credit pay more than 150 percent more for home insurance than policyholders with excellent credit. The premiums in the table below represent the average annual premium for $250,000 in dwelling coverage for each of the four credit rating tiers.
Poor credit | Average credit | Good credit | Excellent credit | |
Average annual premium | $2,870 | $1,433 | $1,312 | $1,125 |
However, the effect of your credit on rates varies depending on the insurance company. The table below compares premiums from eight different companies, all based on homeowners with bad credit. The final column shows how much each premium differs from the national average cost of home insurance.
Insurance company | Average annual premium with poor credit for $250K dwelling coverage | Average annual premium with good credit for $250K dwelling coverage |
Progressive | $1,579 | $1,026 |
Nationwide | $1,626 | $1,042 |
USAA | $1,897 | $992 |
AmTrust Financial | $1,909 | $1,016 |
American Family | $2,200 | $1,295 |
Travelers | $2,420 | $1,269 |
Allstate | $2,551 | $1,458 |
State Farm | $3,263 | $1,503 |
Remember that smaller insurance companies or regional providers may be able to provide homeowners coverage for the same, if not less, than the large national carriers. Customers with poor credit, for example, pay an average annual premium of $508 for home insurance through New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance (NJM).
PEMCO and Farm Bureau also provide competitive rates for home insurance for people with bad credit. The quoted rates for $250K in dwelling coverage were $701 and $916 per year, respectively.
There are still options for finding low-cost homeowners insurance even if you have bad credit. If you have a low credit score and are looking for home insurance, you should consider the following:
Speaking with a licensed insurance agent may assist you in determining which coverage options and discounts are appropriate for your situation.
While repairing bad credit may appear to be a daunting task, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your credit score. You may be able to raise your credit score by doing the following:
What is the best homeowners insurance company?
There is no single home insurance company that is best for everyone. Each homeowner has unique needs, desires, and circumstances that will influence their insurance company selection. Nonetheless, some carriers stand out as particularly appealing. According to StrongInsurance research, the best home insurance companies in the country are USAA, Lemonade, Travelers, AAA, Amica, and Allstate.
How much does homeowners insurance cost?
In addition to your credit score, your premium is determined by a number of personal factors. Your age, home location, coverage options chosen, and discounts applied all have an impact on how much you pay. The average annual cost of homeowner insurance for a $250,000 dwelling is $1,312.
Is home insurance legally required?
In contrast to auto insurance, homeowners insurance is not required by law in any state. However, if you are financing your home, most lenders will require you to purchase a policy. Your mortgage lender may also require you to purchase a separate flood insurance policy, depending on where you live.
Even if you own your home outright, you should consider purchasing home insurance. If your home is damaged or destroyed, a policy can help protect your financial health.
Can an insurance company deny coverage because of my credit?
Yes, in some states, you may be denied coverage because of your credit. A low credit score may indicate that a company considers you too risky to insure, which may result in the carrier denying coverage. However, some states prohibit this practice. If your coverage has been denied due to your credit score, you may need to obtain quotes from other insurance companies in order to find the best company for you.
StrongInsurance analyses 2021 rates for all ZIP codes and carriers in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. using Quadrant Information Services. The rates quoted are based on 40-year-old male and female homeowners with no claims history and the following coverage limits:
In addition, the homeowners have a $1,000 deductible as well as a separate wind and hail deductible (if required).
These are sample rates and should only be used for comparison. Your quotes will be unique.