How To Make Insurance Claims After an Accident

StrongInsurance motorcycle accident lawyers have published a comprehensive "how to" section on dealing with insurance companies after a motorcycle crash as a service to our clients and readers. (By the way, the same advice applies to dealing with insurance after a car accident!) First, we explain motorcycle insurance, identifying the various types of coverage and offering some suggestions for the type of coverage that the majority of bikers require. Following that, we provide advice on how to deal with insurance companies following a motorcycle accident. We go over the fundamentals, such as what to do immediately following an accident, who to call, and what to say (and, more importantly, what NOT to say) to your insurance company. We also go over when you might want to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer. We receive numerous calls each week from riders who have been involved in an accident, and in the case of relatively minor accidents, it is not uncommon for us to advise a rider to handle the claim themselves. We tell all prospective clients whether or not it makes sense for them to hire a lawyer. In short, we never recommend hiring a lawyer unless it will save you money!

We always recommend hiring a lawyer if you are involved in a serious motorcycle accident and need to file a claim for large medical bills, lost wages, long-term care, pain and suffering, or loss of consortium. Trust us when we say that the insurance companies you're up against have an army of lawyers on their side – you need to even the odds!

StrongInsurance motorcycle accident attorneys provide a service that many other firms do not: assistance with insurance claims AFTER your settlement or recovery. If you receive money from the other party in the accident (either directly or through their insurance), your own insurance companies may be entitled to a portion of that money if they paid for any of your medical care, mechanic's bills, or other expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Although your insurance companies may be entitled to SOME reimbursement, they are not always entitled to everything they request. Our lawyers at StrongInsurance work closely with our clients to negotiate these types of claims with insurance companies. Be cautious about who you hire as your lawyer: many lawyers regard post-settlement/recovery insurance claims as "your problem," and consider their job finished the moment they accept their fee! We work with our clients every step of the way–even after a settlement or judgment–to ensure that they not only receive the highest possible recovery for their motorcycle accident, but also KEEP as much of it as possible! That is just one of the many services we offer that set us apart from the competition.

We hope the information on our website is useful to you. As always, if you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident and would like a free consultation, please contact us via our toll-free hotline or send us an email. We handle cases all over California, including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, Riverside, San Bernardino, and everything in between.